Household Refrigerator vs. Medical Grade Refrigerator

Household Refrigerator vs. Medical Grade Refrigerator
Rather than using a household refrigerator, practitioners who are storing vaccines, engaging in a VFC program, or seeking to comply with CDC guidelines are usually advised to purchase a medical-grade refrigerator. You might be wondering why a medical-grade refrigerator is so much better and why the extra cost is essential.
According to studies, home refrigerators are less capable of maintaining proper storage temperatures than commercial or medical freezers. A "medical grade" refrigerator is essentially a commercial refrigerator with a few extra features. They're made with tougher materials that endure longer and are less prone to break. Commercial refrigerators with two compartments, one for the fridge and one for the freezer, need two compressors, one for each compartment, but a residential refrigerator uses only one compressor to chill both sections. The temperature controls are more precise than those found in most household appliances.
Commercial units also have alarms that sound when a door is left open or when there is a temperature loss or increase. The majority of household units include storage rooms on the entrance, which provide a risk of temperature fluctuations for objects kept there. There is no door storage in medical refrigerators.
Commercial vs. Medical Refrigerators: What's the Difference?
Medical refrigerators include a few extra functions that commercial refrigerators do not. One of these characteristics is glass doors, which allow consumers to locate the item they want before opening the door. This increases efficiency by reducing the amount of time the door is open and maintaining temperature stability. Grated shelving in medical refrigerators allows for improved airflow and more constant temperatures throughout the refrigerator. They also include an alarm system that is intended for vaccine storage and CDC standards.
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